Yurlungur documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Apr 11 23:48:01 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root toctree directive.

Yurlungur for Universal DCC Scripting API

Yurlungur is universal scripting environment with Python which Maya, Houdini and Unreal.

DCC tool scripting is almost used Python, but these api isn’t similarly anything. If you make lightweight tool, need to remember each application manners. Yurlungur is common interface which adapted each application for universal wrapper.


  • HOM (Houdini Object Model) like command wrapper.
  • PySide & PyQt shorten accessor.
  • Useful py-snippets for technical artist.

Yurlungur is inspired by PyMEL. The Quick guide is here.


Indices and tables